Kids Think Green

How does the discussion about global warming and climate change affect school-aged children? Climate change scenarios are defining a generation in the same way that the Depression and the Cold War defined the lives of previous generations, according to a recent article in The Washington Post. As a result, school-aged children are the drivers of a host of green activities. For example, a student in Herkimer Elementary School in Herkimer, NY was inspired to initiate a program promoting energy efficiency by replacing incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs. Other schools around the nation are preparing for this year’s Earth Day, April 22, with activities like nature walks, recycling projects, and tree planting.

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re: Kids Think Green

At my school we started an anti-idling campaign in partnership with the Health Department.
More info on Wildwood here:

However several parents weren't necessarily thrilled with our participation calling it a propaganda ploy to spread Al Gore's misinformation. We have a long way to go with parent education first.