Manage Your Workflow

Managing the Workload of High-Performance Leadership
Justin Baeder
Friday, April 8, 4-5:15 p.m., Convention Center, 1st Floor, Room 24-25

What does a focus on performance look like in the moment? Being a school leader involves managing thousands of pieces of information, each important in its own way. The task of leadership is to sort through it all and find points of leverage for improving student learning.

For educational leaders to have a positive impact on teaching and learning, we must have a relentless focus on performance and we must leverage time and communication to lead change in our organizations.

In “Managing the Workload of High-Performance Leadership,” participants will learn proven strategies for managing the work of instructional leadership, including communication, feedback for continuous improvement, and high-performance workflow using low- and high-tech tools and strategies.

I will teach a simple workflow process to enable you to handle everything that’s coming your way, while maintaining the level of awareness and perspective that it takes to act strategically. Here are a few tips:

  • Collect everything in a limited number of “in-baskets;”
  • Empty the in-baskets regularly, either by taking care of each task, or adding it to your to-do list, calendar, or tickler file; and
  • Once you have a list of work, work your list and get it done, doing similar items in a group.

—Justin Baeder

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