Maximizing Effectivness with Technology

Using Apple’s iPadTM  to Maximize Your Effectiveness as a Leader
Justin Baeder
Thursday, March 22
I consider myself a "moderate"  iPadTM user so wasn't sure what to expect from this session.  I was pleasantly surprised by the number of ideas that I picked up from this presentation.
Here is a list of applications that were presented that I either use of will be looking into adding to my list!
  • Notability:  Note taking application
  • SoundNote: My current application that I also really like for taking notes.
  • Evernote: Searchable multimedia Web-based container
  • DropBox: Web-based container
  • Remember the Milk: Task application
  • Penultimate: Write on PDF's
  • Skitch: Annotating pictures
  • FastEverXL: Time-stampable note taker (Evernote application helper)
  • Text Expander: Type a couple of letters and a large amount of text expands to your page (short cuts called snippets)
The most powerful of the applications shared in the session was Evernote.  The electronic storage capabilities are impressive.  The ability to search your Evernote container is also a key component.  If I want to look up all of the documentations, notes, or emails regarding a staff or student, I can simply type in the name in the Evernote search tab and all of the items in Evernote, including pictures, will come up on a tapable list. A good example of this would be to look back at all the notes from each of your teachers as you are getting ready to write evaluations.  Having all of these at your fingertips can save a lot of time when looking for your documentation.
My advice would be to check out all these applications and see how they would best fit your needs.  The Apple website has a good FAQ section to help answer questions you might have regarding the different applications and how they might be used.
David M. Hanson, elementary principal, Wyndmere Public Schools, North Dakota

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Tablets in Early Learning

There are incredible capabilities out there for educational programs to implement technology effectively, and enhance learning for their students. Tablets can be extremely effective, more so when there is content that is grounded in research and designed specifically for appropriate developmental groups. The neatest thing that my organization has been working on is a tablet for the early learning community:

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