Meet Conference Blogger Adam Drummond

Meet Conference Blogger Adam Drummond

Indiana principal Adam Drummond is one of two official bloggers for the 2014 NAESP Annual Conference. Here's his first post. Check the Principals' Office Blog this week for his updates from Nashville.

Welcome to the NAESP 2014 Annual Conference (#NAESP14)!

It’s hard to believe a whole year has passed since the 2013 conference in Baltimore! If you are returning, welcome back; if this is your first time, a special welcome to you!

As one of your official conference bloggers for the 2014 NAESP Conference, I am looking forward to interacting with you throughout this conference and seeing how the connections among principals from across the country strengthen NAESP (@NAESP). You are welcome to follow me on Twitter at @NAESP_IN or @adamddrummond! Your experience at this conference helps shape who you are as a professional—take every advantage of this opportunity to network, learn, and grow your passion for leadership!

Here's a little about me: I am currently the principal at Lincoln Elementary School in Huntington, Indiana, and work with a fantastic elementary staff of 37 dedicated teachers and additional 30 support staff. We serve 475 students in grades K-5 and are committed to creating a community of excellence. (Follow our school on Twitter at @LincolnExcel.) I am involved with our state organization (Indiana Association of School Principals); you can follow our executive director Dr. Todd Bess at @INPrincipals.

As you can tell, I am actively and passionately involved in creating professional learning communities through online tools such as Twitter. If you are not familiar with Twitter as a online professional tool, take advantage of this opportunity to learn all about it during the conference. Check out the Social Media Lounge in the Exhibit Hall for social media workshops.

Finally, download the NAESP 2014 app for your mobile device. This is your go-to app for all things NAESP Conference! Download the app from iTunes or Google Play.

We welcome you to connect via social media and in person throughout the week. Take time to experience all the conference has to offer!

Adam Drummond

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Great opportunities

My dad use to tell me that life was a series of opportunities. He'd go on to say to take advantage of opportunities and learn from them as they may never pass your way again...what a wealth of opportunities this conference has for us all...

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