My Two Cents: End of the School Year To-Dos

My Two Cents: End of the Year

In the latest installment of My Two Cents, Principal magazine asked readers to offer one task they make sure to tackle before the end of the school year. Here’s how some of you responded:

Student/parent and staff handbook revisions have to be approved by the school board by June, so I try to finalize all revisions before the final day of school.
Jessica Johnson, principal, Dodgeland Elementary, Juneau, Wisconsin

My secretary and I brainstorm and prioritize a summer work list with the must-dos as well as bigger projects or new ideas we may want to start for the new school year. Creating a list together means we increase our accountability for getting it done.
Jacie Maslyk, principal, Crafton Elementary School, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

We always make sure to have the school events and meeting calendars for next school year complete. Second, we try to draft our cultural arts schedule before the end of the year. Though the calendar inevitably changes, we usually share cultural arts personnel and it can be difficult to reach colleagues over the summer.
Christopher Wooleyhand, principal, Richard Henry Lee Elementary, Glen Burnie, Maryland

What's one task you make sure to tackle before the end of the school year? Leave your thoughts in the comments section below.

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