My Two Cents: Your Favorite PD

My Two Cents: Your Favorite PD

In the latest installment of My Two Cents, Principal Magazine asked principals about their best resources for personal professional development. This is how some of you responded:

Without a doubt, Twitter! Hearing things directly from the experts
makes it real time and relevant. My Twitter feed is my morning newspaper.
—Peter Carpenter, via Facebook

I learn the most by doing. I have grown the most professionally when
given the opportunity to work collaboratively with other principals
to develop best practices around topics like RTI and formative assessment.
The conversations are the best when they are grounded in text.
—Don Cowart II, via Facebook

Books, books, books! The Art of Possibilities is my favorite. It teaches
us to view every situation, challenge, or celebration with hope.
It allows leaders to lead student centered change while considering
amazing possibilities to success, versus roadblocks.
—Gabe Simon, Via Facebook

What’s the best resource you’ve found to further your own professional development? Leave your comments below.

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