NAESP’s Statement on the President’s FY2008 Budget Proposal

With the upcoming ESEA reauthorization fresh on our minds, the $56 billion proposed in President Bush’s Fiscal Year 2008 budget proposal for federal education programs is highly disappointing. Though the President has proposed an increase in Title I funding by $1.2 billion, for example, he has proposed cutting many other federal education programs, including the School Leadership Program. Click here to read NAESP’s response to the President’s budget proposal.

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re: NAESP’s Statement on the President’s FY2008 Budget Proposal

President's Budget Proposal: disappointing - yes, unexpected - no.

As Federal Relations Coordinator for WV for many years, I have had the pleasure(?)of going to Capitol Hill every year of the current administration's reign to plead with more reasonable voices to speak up on behalf of public education. We have been fortunate over the years to be able to preserve many of the programs that the president has zeroed out of his budget. Once again, we have our work cut out for us.

Most disturbing is President Bush's continued pattern of touting increases in one area ($1.2 billion in Title I) but drawing attention away from the cuts in other areas that offset any increase; not to mention the ever increasing requirements and the financial impact that they carry with them.

All principals need to make their views known on both state and federal legislative issues. If you are not already involved, check out the Key Contact program and/or the FLAC area of the NAESP Website. Share your stories with your representatives and senators. Let them know the positive impact that federal programs have on your students.