No Substitute Teacher Left Behind

No Substitute Left Behind: The Principal and School's Role in Enhancing Substitute Teacher Effectiveness
Kevin O’Connor

Saturday, April 9, 1:15 - 2:30 p.m., Convention Center, 1st Floor, Room 7

On average, each elementary student is in the presence of a substitute teacher 15 days per school year. This represents approximately 8 percent of the attendance days in the school year and is equivalent to 180 days that a student will be under the supervision of a substitute during their K-12 schooling.

There is little, if any, professional development offered for substitute teachers. Often, classroom teachers plan inadequately for the substitute. They do not plan to the maximum capability of the substitute teachers and often curtail the regular classroom routine in an effort to assist the substitute. However, these modifications can worsen the situation for the substitute teachers and for students.

Every day is valuable in the education of each of our students. Given that there is an absence of funding for professional development for substitute teachers and the research shows that substitute teachers feel unwelcome in a majority of schools, what can principals do to enhance substitute teacher performance? How can the substitute teacher be included in school functions and collegiality so that their efficacy increases? How can the principal and staff help substitute teachers provide the best possible continuity to the school’s educational program?

These are some of the questions that this session will answer. Let’s no longer leave our substitutes behind.

Kevin O’Connor

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