Professional Development for the Early Learning Continuum

Building Early Learning Leaders: New Jersey’s Pre-K-3 Leadership Training Series
Cynthia Rice and Kathleen Priestley

Friday, April 8, 8:30 - 9:45 a.m., Convention Center, 1st Floor, Room 20-21

In recent years, New Jersey has become a leader in identifying and addressing all facets of the early learning continuum. One of those key areas has been the development of an interactive professional development series for school district administrators—including principals—for strengthening their pre-K-3 leadership skills. The New Jersey Department of Education, the Advocates for Children of New Jersey, and the New Jersey Principals and Supervisors Association collaborated on the series, the goal of which was to provide participants with research and evidence-based strategies to assist in implementing high-quality early learning programs, evaluate those programs, and become more effective instructional leaders.

As our work received attention beyond our state, we realized that developing an early learning continuum was not solely an issue in New Jersey, but rather one of national concern. We are interested in learning about similar experiences in other states and if and how these issues have been addressed.

—Cynthia Rice and Kathleen Priestley

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