Putting Brain Research into Practice

BrainSMART Leading for Learning: Keys to Increasing Student Achievement
Donna Wilson and Marcus Conyers

7:45 - 9:45 a.m., Friday, April 8, Convention Center, 1st Floor, Room 22-23

University researchers have learned more about the brain in the past 10 years than they have in the previous 100, and at least two universities have graduate degree programs in brain-based teaching. Furthermore, according to the Dana Foundation, which supports brain research through grants, there are now more than 30,000 books about the brain available.

It has been exciting to see the recent growth in the field and for us to integrate education, mind, and brain research into practical frameworks for improving teaching and learning. We have just finished the 2011 editions of our core texts for teachers. We have shared these concepts recently in South Africa and Minnesota with principal groups.

Principals tell us that the challenge with research on cognition and the brain is to bridge the chasm between it and teaching. This has been the focus of our work over the past two decades and we will share lessons learned at the convention. We will also be working with NAESP Mentor Coaches on a range of topics. We are looking forward to dynamic learning experiences with you and want to make your time as productive as possible. So stay connected, ask your questions, and enjoy free resources and ideas! 

Attendees will receive a complimentary copy of the Administrators Workbook for Increasing Student Achievement: BrainSMART Strategies for Leading and Teaching, which puts the NAESP standards for Leading Learning Communities into practice.

Donna Wilson and Marcus Conyers

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