School Improvement Grant Proposal Penalizes Principals

As part of the new School Improvement Grant (SIG) proposal, Secretary Duncan would require low-performing schools receiving SIG funds to implement one of four reform models. Two of the models would require the dismissal of the principal. The other two models would likely result in the dismissal of the principal. Comments on the Department of Education’s proposed changes to the SIG program are due this week.
NAESP will submit comments this week with this clear message: Automatically replacing principals of low-performing schools is likely to be hasty and unwarranted. The better solution is to ensure that all principals  have the time, talent, and tools they need to succeed.
NAESP encourages all principals to review the secretary’s proposal and to submit comments by the Sept. 25, 2009 deadline. Review the complete proposal and find instructions for submitting comments on the proposal here.

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re: School Improvement Grant Proposal Penalizes Principals

I think the Principals need to be punished but a review should be done to see if they are the actual culprits.