Teachers Told to Chip In for School Electric Bill

In Michigan, one school district has implemented a “pay to plug” policy and another district is considering doing the same, which would require teachers and other school staff to pay a fee for plugging in personal desk clocks, lamps, fans, and other electronic devices to help offset rising electricity costs. According to a Detroit Free Press article, Grosse Pointe Public Schools initiated the measure last spring, while Chippewa Valley Public Schools is deciding whether it should too, beginning as soon as this fall.

Budget cuts and subsequent tight budgets are the driving forces behind this policy, which is estimated to offset or save each district between $25,000 and $45,000 per year in electric costs.

The Grosse Pointe school district put the same policy into practice a few years ago but rescinded it after strong negative reactions. However, the district is willing to try again.

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re: Teachers Told to Chip In for School Electric Bill

Imagine if IBM, Google, Microsoft, or any fortune 500 company implemented this policy. Would potential new hires look elsewhere for employment?

Why are school districts baffled at the lack of qualified teacher candidates?

It is a shame. If schools really want to examine “the bottom line” they should consider revising counterproductive policy. Ultimately, it is the students that suffer.