What’s Your New Year’s Resolution?

Someone once said that “A New Year's resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other.” But the Principals’ Office prefers the more optimistic tone of Oprah Winfrey, who said “Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.” Some principals have made New Year’s resolutions for their schools. For example, Oklahoma Principal Jan Borelli says this year her school started a walking program and her New Year’s resolution is to follow through with the program. “Some of us (most un-notably ME) have spent the time watching rather than participating,” says Borelli. “My faculty and I are committed to fully participating when we get back in January.”

For Missouri Principal Teresa Tulipana, the thought of adding something to the work that her school already does seems daunting. “We are nearing capacity and one more initiative or one more committee may be all it takes to push us past capacity,” says Tulipani. “So in 2007, I resolve to help my school focus on what is, in the words of Stephen Covey, ‘wildly important.’ By narrowing our focus to two or three wildly important areas or initiatives, I believe we can make a significant impact for students. This narrowed focus will allow us to work smarter, to pool our energies, and to maximize our potential as a school team.”

What’s your New Year’s resolution for 2007? Share your resolution with the Principals’ Office.

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re: What’s Your New Year’s Resolution?

Welcome to 2007 and best wishes for a great year for you and your school.

We already have many programs and activities in place at school to maximize our strengths and address weaknesses. My resolution is to approach the new year with renewed energy, to evaluate our progess and to step-up my efforts to support my staff. I am also increasing my awareness of giving recognition to staff (new and experienced) in both formal and informal ways. They need to hear my appreciation for the outstanding jobs that they do.

re: What’s Your New Year’s Resolution?

I vowed not to create any New Year's resoultions instead opting to strive to "Live, love, and laugh". I am looking forward to becoming an extraordinary individual who impacts the world in an extraordinary way.

re: What’s Your New Year’s Resolution?

As we head into the new year, many people make resolutions to change. There is always room for improvement and growth in whatever we do, though it’s also important to resolve to continue doing what works and produces success. This is certainly the case with the staff and students at Avondale West. Last month we received the final results of the state assessments from last Spring. Students in Third Grade last year achieved the Standard of Excellence in Math on the assessments. That standard is reached when at least 25% of students score in the Exemplary (highest) category and not more than 5% score in the Academic Warning category. Fifth Grade students attained the Standard of Excellence in Reading. Twenty seven percent of 5th graders scored in the Exemplary category There were no students who scored in the academic warning category. These accomplishments are a testimonial, not only to the efforts of our Third and Fifth grade teachers, but to all of our staff. Education is a cumulative effort that starts in Kindergarten. Each year students acquire more skills and knowledge. We resolve to continue to provide the best educational environment we can - what is best for children. Personally, I also resolve to be kind and caring with family and friends, make wise health choices, including exercise and nutrition, and do all I can to make a positive impact on our world. Mr. H.

re: What’s Your New Year’s Resolution?

In the school realm, the 'new year' is always mid-year. It is, however, a great time to refocus our attention for the final semester. Every year, in addition to setting academic goals, our school sets the focus for our professional learning opportunities. With all of these things well underway this school year, I reflected on things that would encourage our staff to be successful. I kept coming back to one factor that transforms a competitor into a champion....attitude. We began the new year focusing on what a difference can be made by attitude. Whatever the mind expects, it will find! An attitude is seen without a word being said. We encouraged our teams to confront the staff members with a negative spirit, and refuse to allow those few to 'set the tone' in our meetings, on our teams, and on the committees. Education is a tough business, and we have to lift each other up! Our new year's resolution is "Be Positive!" The positive person understands that the journey is as enjoyable as the destination. ~excerpts from Attitude 101 by John C. Maxwell