What? No Rain in Seattle for Two Days?

Thousands of principals have soared to Seattle this week for NAESP’s 86th Annual Convention and Exposition and for two days straight, they’ve been welcomed with sunny skies and unusually warm temperatures. But alas, this is Seattle and the raindrops are expected later today. But the principals have plenty of exciting sessions to choose from indoors in the Washington State Convention & Trade Center. For the latest on what’s happening at this year’s Convention, visit Convention News Online at http://web.naesp.org/convNews/ to read about sessions and events. And for a real treat, read blogs from Jan Borelli, principal of Westwood Elementary School in Oklahoma, and Tracy Latimer, an aspiring principal at Eisenberg Elementary School in Nevada. NAESP's Convention will continue through April 2.

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re: What? No Rain in Seattle for Two Days?

Great conference...to read all the principal blogs and see the pictures check out this site:

Also check out my blog for more NAESP reviews here:

re: What? No Rain in Seattle for Two Days?

Hey NAESP bloggers join us at the Cheesecake Factory for @ 11:30 Saturday for lunch and a edublogger meetup.

re: What? No Rain in Seattle for Two Days?

It's has been an amazing conference so far. And I am so thankful for the great weather! Read all about it at the convention website.