From the Editor: Opportunity for Every Child

By Kaylen Tucker
Principal, September/October 2017. Volume 97, Number 1.

I love public education. This is not just a platitude, but a call to action launched by AASA, The School Superintendents Association. AASA’s I Love Public Education campaign aims to shape the narrative about public schools, emphasizing their critical role in society and in preparing students for lifelong success in school, in careers, and in communities. 

The AASA campaign and other like initiatives have launched this year in response to proposals to extend school choice, perceptions of declining support for public schools, and the collective drive to ensure equity in deeper learning opportunities for each child. For example, Stand Up for Public Schools, The Secret Life of Public Schools, and Public School Proud (initiated by the National School Boards Association, the Learning First Alliance, and New York’s United Federation of Teachers, respectively), shine a light on the realities of public schools and demonstrate support for the varied and innovative opportunities they provide students nationwide.

According to Linda Darling-Hammond, who reflects on the current state of education in the opening article in this issue of Principal magazine, the focus on public education should boil down to, “What makes a high-quality school, and how do we get more of them?” Darling-Hammond, who is the president and CEO of the Learning Policy Institute, homes in on the leadership that is required to transform public schools nationwide to provide all students with deep learning. According to Darling-Hammond, “Principals are essential to everything. Their role is the most important one.” 

In this issue, we also hear from Anne O’Brien on school choice terms; from Michael J. Petrilli and DawnLynne Kacer, who provide perspective on charter schools; from Elaina Hundley on best leadership practices in magnet schools; and from Joe Sanfelippo and Tony Sinanis on shaping the narrative about schools. Together, these articles illuminate some of the innovative ways that public schools accomplish what the nation’s principals endeavor to achieve each day: innovative leadership to provide optimal opportunities for each child.

—Kaylen Tucker, Ph.D.


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For the ninth year—NAESP’s Principal magazine has teamed up with Crayola to deliver the “Champion Creatively Alive Children” magazine supplement. Use this extra resource with your staff. 

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