
School Safety Commission Should Help Schools Provide Mental Health Resources to Prevent Violence

NAESP joins education organizations calling on federal government to focus its next steps on resources and training more mental health specialists to ensure safety of students and school staff.

Pre-K Leadership Training Helps Meet the Needs of Vulnerable Students

NAESP releases SREB evaluation results of the NAESP Pre-K–3 Leadership Academy Pilot in Alabama.

New Zone 6 Director Named to NAESP Board

Dr. James Edmond, Jr., principal of Woodside Elementary School in Sussex, WI, will begin his term August 1.

Hall of Fame Honoree

NAESP Executive Director L. Earl Franks, Ed.D., CAE, will be inducted into the Alabama Educational Leadership Hall of Fame at Troy University in November.

Principal Eric Cardwell Embarks on Road Trip of a Lifetime

Cardwell, who serves as NAESP President, will cover nearly 4,500 miles and visit 28 schools during his two-week tour. Gift Card Winners Announced

NAESP and teamed up to get teachers to post projects in need of funding. Three of those schools won $5,000 gift cards.

NAESP Honors Nation’s Top Principals for National Principals Month

Sixty-two principals will travel to the Washington, D.C. program to be recognized for outstanding leadership.

U.S. Department of Education Pilots “Flexibility for Equitable Per-pupil Funding”

The flexibility relieves many of the Federal requirements related to allocation, use and reporting for those eligible Federal funds.

PD funding for Principals Preserved in Senate Funding Bill

Continued strong Title II, Part A funding is critical for states and districts to provide support and professional development for teachers and principals.

Use Title IV Funds for Academic Enrichment and Mental Health Services, Not Guns

NAESP statement on proposal to allow gun purchases and firearm training for educators with funds appropriated under Title IV, Part A of ESSA.