
Notice of NAESP Proposed Bylaws

Proposed amendments will be voted on during the July 2014 Delegate Assembly in Nashville.

Register for Ed Week Webinar on Principal Evaluation

Drawing from the recommendations presented in Rethinking Principal Evaluation, NAESP Executive Director Gail Connelly will address the myriad ways to support leadership assessment. Register Now

More Time Needed to Get Common Core Right

This week, the Learning First Alliance issued a statement in support of providing time and resources for Common Core implementation before assessing progress with high-stakes testing.

Recognize Nat'l Assistant Principals Week

The U.S. Senate has designated March 31 - April  4, 2014, as National Assistant Principals Week. Join NAESP in recognizing assistant principals for their tremendous contributions to the nation’s school children.

Election Speeches by 2014 Candidates for President-Elect

View each candidate’s election speech made during NAESP’s recent National Leaders Conference.

Principals Speak Out at 2014 National Leaders Conference

School leaders met with lawmakers on Capitol Hill to advocate for supportive education policies.

NAESP Dedicates Dawn Hochsprung Tree of Life Memorial

The memorial honors the life and service of the late Sandy Hook Elementary School principal.

Nation’s Principals to Visit Capitol Hill, Launch NAESP Advocacy Agenda

200 K-8 principals will attend the Association's National Leaders Conference.

NAESP and NASSP Release Policy Recommendations to Assist Principals with Teacher Evaluation

The recommendations examine how policymakers can assist principals with the many challenges of new teacher evaluation systems.

Principals’ Associations Encouraged by Plan to Modernize E-rate

NAESP and NASSP urge investment to improve the program and meet demand.